“Umami” is Japanese for the taste of fullness and completeness in food.

 As a lover of chocolates, and after many tastings, I put all my efforts into finding the right adjective to describe the taste of chocolate. Velvety, dark, full, earthy, sweet, intense... And I thought about the taste profiles of food, which led me to associate the word “Umami” to these high profile chocolates. 

I wanted to include a logomark based on the tongue palate. 

A few abstractions later, I settled on the pentagon, because it represents the five tastes coming together to form a full taste, and is shaped like a tongue. 

I dropped the mark, and was inspired by the shape to create the geometric typography, as the pentagon’s cousin. 

I softened the edges, as a visual reminder of melting chocolate edges.

After I had created the basic font based on the pentagon shape, I made the edges softer so it would look like chocolate edges.
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